I Painted Our Hot Tub!

I know, Right? It's unheard of, I totally painted our hot tub! Well, technically I didn't paint the actual hot tub, but I painted the hot tub surround. But still, I've never heard of anyone who has painted their hot tub before, have you? But I'm guessing if you own an old hot tub like ours, then you will be wanting to paint yours after seeing this. Okay so here is our hot tub before, it was looking pretty worn down. All I did was brush down the hot tub surround with a small broom to remove any cobwebs and dirt. Then I painted it with a high quality Exterior paint and a paintbrush. Now this was paint I already had on hand, which as you may have notice it's the same paint I used on our front and back door. The color is called 'Night Scape' by Valspar and you can find it at Lowes. I knew it would look great on our hot tub surround because the hot tub itself is almost the same color. And here is the After: It looks so much better! Please don't pay ...