Back To School Boy's Bedroom Makeover

My boys are on their second week of the new school year. My oldest son, Liam is in 5th Grade and my youngest son, Jaxon is in 2nd Grade. And as their mom, its been a bit hard on me. I still remember sending them off to Kindergarten like it was yesterday. It's wonderful to see them learn and grow, but it just feel like it all goes by so quickly, which I know every single mom can relate to. Am I right? So anyway, to give my boys a fresh start for the new school year, I gave their bedroom a bit of a makeover. The biggest change was that I debunked their bunk beds to give them each their own separate space. And then I painted the beds, along with the armoire in the room a navy blue. I plan to share a before and after of the beds with all of the paint details sometime later this week. So if you are interested in seeing more of that then be sure to come back soon. Painting the beds really made a world of difference. For a while there I was on a major ...