Bohemian Jewelry Display

Hi Friends!
So I was invited by a couple of blog friends to take part in a new Instagram tag called #HomeYouHave. By the way, do you follow me on Instagram? If not, be sure to, I love posting behind the scene pictures and updates that you don't see here on the blog.
So #Homeyouhave is all about working with what you already have to bring new life to your spaces. This is something I do a lot of if you haven't noticed already. I tend to carry my beloved treasures with me all around our home.
Every week, Monday through Friday on Instagram we have a new challenge and invite you to share your spaces using the hashtag #homeyouhave, and then on Sunday we choose a favorite. 
Fun right?
So last week the challenge was Dresser Tops, which I was so happy about because my dresser was needing some much needed attention. I gave Myself a challenge and really had fun creating this Bohemian jewelry display.

I started off just revamping my dresser top giving it some organization that it was lacking.
I brought in a couple of old bottles to hold some of my bracelets, and a carved wooden tray that holds my rings and small jewelry boxes.
 But then I really had fun decorating the whole space around the dresser. 
 I even created a little lounge spot on the floor by bringing in a sheepskin rug and lots of pillows.

On the wall, I've hung This dream catcher, a seashell chandelier, and my bull skull, 
 Which looks amazing draped in seashell necklaces.  He is possibly my favorite thing in this space.
Next to the dresser is an old window and an old window screen.
I got created and hung all of my earnings onto the screen.  Before, most of my jewelry was put way in boxes. I had even forgot about most of it so I'm  happy to have it all out on display now, which has inspired me to wear it more often. 

 I love my little bohemian corner that I have created.
 It's even fun to hang out in at night, the seashell on the dresser is actually a little accent light.

So that's my new hangout spot! Be sure to stay tuned for next weeks challenge. Hopefully it will inspire me to change up another neglected space around here.

Thanks for stopping by,



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