How to make a Driftwood Garland

In my last post I shared a picture of this driftwood garland that I had hanging in our backyard play house. I made it last summer using some driftwood that I had gathered up while on a family trip to the beach.  I had originally shared this tutorial over at City Farmhouse, but today I want to re share it here for any of you who may have missed it. 

While I was on our trip to the coast, I saw quite a few of these driftwood garlands hanging on the porches of  quaint little beach cottages. I thought they were really neat and I knew I could make one of my own really easily, so I collected tons of driftwood to bring home every day we went to the beach 

Like most of my projects, this was incredibly simple to make.
I started off with 112 pieces of driftwood, each piece is approximately the same length.

I drilled a hole into the center of each piece. Because driftwood is such a soft wood, the drill goes through them very smoothly.

Once I got started it went by really fast.  I even had my two boys help out with this part, they felt pretty cool using a drill for the first time.

Once the holes were all drilled, I fed some jute twine through them.

I wrapped a small piece of tape to the end of the twine to help it guide through the holes easily.

This part moved along pretty quickly as well.

Once the twine was through all of the driftwood pieces,  I tied a large knot at the end. I also tied a  loop on the top to give it something to hang from.

My driftwood garland is over 5 feet long.  You could  make it whatever length you want just give or take on the amount of driftwood you use.

I think it turned out great, I love the beach house look it added to our front porch. Some of our neighbors had even commented on it.

Here is a view from the inside looking out at it.

I really enjoy working with driftwood. In fact, here are a few of my other Driftwood projects:

So the next time you are at the beach be sure to gather up some driftwood because there are plenty of fun projects you can create with it. 

If you are unable to get to the beach, I found that you can order some driftwood online HERE.

Thank you for stopping by today, 



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