String Art on the Wall

 I have a really cool project that I am so excited to share with you today, you may have already seen it since I shared it over at City Farmhouse awhile back, but if you missed it, you can catch up today. 
I call it String Art on the Wall!

Sometimes ideas come to me in the middle of the night and I lay in bed thinking, "Wow! that's an awesome idea, did I just come up with that?" But truthfully I feel like the inspiration comes from another place and that it is up to me to create it and share it, therefore the credit does not belong to me, but to the universe :)

This string art wall project was one of those middle of the night idea. I woke up the next morning and immediately started trying to figure out how I was going to create the look. I sketched out different patterns onto paper but in the end I pretty much just made it up as I went along. I think it turned out great! It really adds a bit of a wow factor to the room. 
Today I want to teach you how I did it so that you can create this same look in your own homes.

Here are the items you will need:
 - Yarn 
(You can use any color you wish, I went with a dark gray so that it would contrast against my wall  color)
- Scissors
- Hammer
- Small nails
- Leveler
- Ruler
- Pencil 

Step One - Using a ruler and a level, measure where you want your nails to go and mark the spots with a pencil. I started with a row of 3 nails 18 mm apart. I continued with the rows of  3 nails every 12 inches down the wall. I used the level to make sure my rows were straight.  As I moved along, I hammered in the nails over all of the pencil marks, leaving about half of the nail sticking out of the wall.
Step Two - Tie a long piece of yarn to each nail in the top row, but at the center nail add two long pieces of yarn.

Step Three - Take the two center pieces of yarn, pull them tight and wrap around the nails to the left and right in the next row. Bring the yarn to the center nail then continue on creating a diamond pattern down the center of the wall. When you get to the bottom row, tie the yarn to the left and right nails.

 Step Four - Take the piece of yarn on the right, pull straight down to the next nail, go around it and head over to the center nail, go around the center nail and back to the nail on the right. Again pull straight down to the next nail and over to the center. Continue creating a backwards E pattern until you get to the bottom row. Tie your yarn to the bottom center nail.
Step Five - Now take the string on the Left and follow instructions for Step four, but reversing the directions. This time you will make an E pattern. When you get to the bottom row, tie the yarn to the bottom center nail
 Okay, are you still with me? I know it sounds so much more complicated then it actually is, so I hope that my 'football diagrams' are helpful :)

Step Six - from the last step I decided I wanted even more lines, so I added one more piece of yarn to the top left and right nails. The diagram below shows the direction  I took the last two pieces of yarn.
When I got to the bottom row, I tied the ends of the yarn to the center nail. I cut off all of the extra yarn that was remanding.
So this is how the final result looks:
As I said, I pretty much made my pattern up as I went along. You may find yourself doing the same and possibly come up with your own design. You could try using more nails, and /or several different colors of yarn. Have fun with it!
From start to finish this project only took about 30 minutes to complete. It was super simple to do, and yet it makes a big statement on the wall.
After my wall art was finished, I started straightening up the rest of the room. I switched the blanket on the daybed over and realized that it is almost the exact same pattern as the yarn wall. What a coincidence!

You can see more of this room HERE.

Well guys, I hope that you like this project and give it a try on your own walls.

Thank you for stopping by,


As always, you can also follow me here: 

P.S. If you like this project, then you may like this one too.
Easy Macrame Bead Curtain


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