
Showing posts from September, 2016

Sporty Fall Pillow

Throw pillows are one of the easiest ways to switch up the look of a  room for the changing seasons. But that doesn't mean you need to go out and buy new pillows every season.  That could end up costing a lot of money and then where do you store the extra pillows once the season is over? I have found that by buying a yard of fabric, I am able to sew a simple pillow cover that saves me money and are easy to remove and store when not in use.  This black and white sporty pillow is one of my latest creations.  I was inspired by this rustic black and white buffalo check fabric I purchased at Walmart  for only 3 dollars a yard.  I knew this fabric would be a great touch to add to our Fall living room.  I also thought it would probably fit in with my Christmas decor as well,  so really this pillow doesn't need to be seasonal at all, and in fact,  I'm sure you'll see a lot of this pillow in our home all year round.  Here are the steps to sew t...

How to create a Bohemian Candle Tray

Is there anything more cozy on a Fall night than candle light? Okay, never mind, a burning fire would be more cozy for sure. But, if you don't have a fireplace or the effort to put into starting a fire, then the next best thing is candle light.   I love the look of a tray full of candles all burning at once. It brightens up a room and sets the mood for a relaxing, spirited night.  I wanted to share how easy and inexpensive it was to create this candle tray.   I purchased most of it from the Dollar Tree, starting with my round metal tray that groups all of the candles together.  It's actually not even a tray, but a simple pizza pan. I was wanting something big and round and this worked out perfect! Most of all of my small candle votives have all come from the Dollar Tree as well. The Dollar Tree is the perfect place to find a large variety of fun little candle votives like these Moroccan inspired ones. And while you're at the Dollar Tree you can also pick up a pa...

How to hang a Cow Skull

Hey Guys! I'm here to answer that burning question that's laying heavy on your minds, "How in the World do you hang a Cow Skull on the Wall?"  Right? I know you are all thinking about it, loosing sleep over it.  But guess what? You're in Luck,  Today I'm going to show you how!   Ha Ha,  but in all seriousness, a friend did once ask me how I've hung my skull on the wall,  and that's a wonderful question because this is what the back of the skull looks like, there's not a whole lot of options here. But by happy accident I have figured it out.  After I had bought my cow skull, and truthfully I don't know, Is it a cow skull, a bull skull, a buffalo skull or a steer skull? Any of you know the answer to that?  I've tried to google it, and it seems that people call it, All of the Above.  So I have decided to just call it a cow skull. But I could be wrong.   Anyway, so I purchased my cow skull at an antique store for under 20 dollars and I ...

Vegas in Pictures

Last week my husband, Jake and I were in Las Vegas.   Vegas Baby! And we had such a great time.   I was just looking at all of the pictures that I took and I thought it might be fun to share them with you today.  Jake was good about taking fun candid pictures of the two of us and sharing them with friends on Facebook, like this one here: And I'm so happy he did because I'm kinda bad at taking pictures of moments, instead I carry my big camera around with me and take random pictures of things that inspire me.  Can anyone else relate, or is it just me? So these are the random pictures that I took and I'll even share a brief description of each one.  We stayed at The Delano hotel, which is right off of Mandalay Bay. I was obsessed with these lanterns that were all over our hotel. If they would have fit in my suitcase I would have tried to sneak them home with me. Jake modeling the awesome lanterns because I made him. Cool rock sculpture in our hotel lobby ...