How to hang a Cow Skull

Hey Guys! I'm here to answer that burning question that's laying heavy on your minds, "How in the World do you hang a Cow Skull on the Wall?"  Right? I know you are all thinking about it, loosing sleep over it.  But guess what? You're in Luck,  Today I'm going to show you how! 

 Ha Ha,  but in all seriousness, a friend did once ask me how I've hung my skull on the wall, 
and that's a wonderful question because this is what the back of the skull looks like, there's not a whole lot of options here.

But by happy accident I have figured it out.  After I had bought my cow skull, and truthfully I don't know, Is it a cow skull, a bull skull, a buffalo skull or a steer skull? Any of you know the answer to that?

 I've tried to google it, and it seems that people call it, All of the Above.  So I have decided to just call it a cow skull. But I could be wrong.  

Anyway, so I purchased my cow skull at an antique store for under 20 dollars and I came home and placed it on a hook that I had already hanging on our wall and it worked perfect.

So this is the kind of wall hook I used.

The wall hook needs to have that extra bend in the top arm because that is what's holding the skull up.

And that is my big secret to hanging up my skull.  Now whenever I want to move this baby around our home, which I do often, it has been in 4 different rooms now, seriously!  And every time I move it I bring the wall hook with it.

As you have probably seen in my Fall Home Tour my cow skull is now hanging up in our kitchen nook area.

Before I had a coastal boat wheel clock hanging there, but now with the rustic skull our kitchen flows better with the rest of my fall decor.

I hope this was helpful to someone out there.

Thanks for stopping by,


Room Source:

Wall Color - Benjamin Moore / Aegean Teal
Wall Hook - Similar
Cow Skull - Similar
Coat Rack - Made from old cupboard door and vintage hooks
Step stool - Ikea
Bamboo Kitchen stools - Yardsale. Fabric on cover - Walmart


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