Featured in Country Sampler's Christmas Decorating Magazine

 I am so excited to be featured in the Special Christmas Decorating Issue of Country Sampler magazine.

I was ask to be in the magazine awhile back, but I didn't know for sure if it was actually going to happen for realz.

And then the other day, Bre from Rooms for Rent, who has a beautiful spread in the issue had shared it on her Instagram page. So while I was at my local grocery store, I went searching for it, and found it.  I immediately picked up the issue and thumbed through it.
And there it was, My Christmas front porch!

I seriously almost fainted. I was in such an awe moment that it felt as if the grocery store aisle was shining a bright spotlight on me. I know that sounds cheesy, but it seriously felt out of this world. 

I flip through a few more pages and stumbled upon my picture of my snow scene that was in our dining room last year.

It was exciting and I had to tell someone right away, so I told the checkout girl, and she was so kind and happy for me. 

This magazine is really great, and not just because I'm in it :)  but a lot of fellow bloggers are in it as well. It has a lot of beautiful homes and great ideas for the holidays.

I am extremely honored and thankful for this little moment of Joy.  Thank you Country Sampler!

And thank you for stopping by today.


P.S. If you would like to see more of my Holiday Home from last year you can check it out HERE.
I'm slowly starting to figure out how I want to decorate this year, so be sure to stick around to see what I come up with.
In the mean time remember you can always find me here:

P.S.S. Here is an affiliated link to purchase this magazine.


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