Project Fail! Picture Frame Garden Markers

Sometimes great ideas come to me that turn into neat projects that I share with you, and other times great ideas come to me that turn out to be complete fails and they never get shared. Just today, I was going through my picture files, and I came across this project that I did last spring, but never shared it with you. This project could have been genius, but it didn't work out so great in the end. Because I still think this is a cool idea, I wanted to share it with you anyway, and maybe, just maybe, you can come up with a new solution on how it can work out better. I'll share what went wrong and the rest is up to you. Okay, so for this project, I started out with four 3.5 X 5 picture frames from the Dollar store, and four paint stir sticks. I removed the glass and backs of the frames, and painted the frames and sticks in a white spay paint. Once the paint was dried, I hot glued the glass back into place. I also ran the hot glue all around the edges of the glass...