Teacher Gift

Happy May!

My boys get out of school at the end of the month and I'm blown away because that is just weeks away!  Where does the time go?  My boys are pretty excited to get started on their summer vacation but they are also a bit sad to have to say goodbye to their teachers. They both have such wonderful teachers and so I have come up with a sweet little gift that they can give to them on the last day of school. 

(This post was previously shared on City Farmhouse

I typed up a few sayings, printed them out and glued them to decorative paper.  I will share the printables at the end of this post so that you can use them too.

I came up with the idea of using rulers as plant marker, which I thought was so appropriate for a teacher.  I hot glued a clothespin to the ruler so that it could hold the card. 

 I bought the ceramic pots at the dollar store.  They had lots of different colors to choose from but I thought these turquoise ones were pretty.  I then went to a local nursery and  found some great little lavender bushes that smell amazing!

After I planted the lavender in the pots, I slid my ruler plant marker into the dirt.

I think that my boy's teachers will really like them. 

 At the dollar store, I also picked up some simple thank you cards in the same color as the pots. 

 I thought my boys could write a special little message to their teacher on the card and then it could be placed behind the note on the clothespin.

  My original plan was to plant the herb, thyme in the pots and have the card read, "Thank you for your thyme" but the plants I got from the nursery felt too small for the posts, so I ended up using the lavender instead.  I'll just keep the thyme for myself. Get it? Thyme for myself. Ha Ha!

To use either of these printable, just right click on the message below and save to your computer. I printed mine to be 3.5 X 5.
Teachers do so much for our children and so I think it's important to say thank you to them and let them know they are appreciated for the time, love, and support they give to their students each school day. I know my boys will remember their teachers forever. 

Thanks for stopping by, 


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