My Summer Yard Sale Finds
It's no secret that I love to shop yard sales. In fact, a lot of my home's decor was picked up from various yard sales over the years. I just find so much joy in rumbling through other people's junk. It's seriously one of my favorite things to do.
Almost every Saturday during the summer months my mother-in-law and I go out for a drive to see if we can catch a few sales and I almost always bring home a few treasures .
Today, I want to share what I've picked up at yard sales so far this summer.
Let's start with my haul from last weekend:
The spinning DVD tower has found a home in our basement holding Wii U games. However, I have a vision of using it at Christmas time to hang our Christmas cards on using clothes pins.
The metal Basketball court rules sign (which I got for free) now hangs in my boy's room.
I love my new floppy white sunhat and have already worn it to the lake. I like that it folds up and can be placed in a suitcase. I'll be taking it to Vegas with me next month.
There are actually two of the feed sacks. I'm not sure what to do with them just yet. Perhaps turn them into pillows or frame them. I'm sure I'll come up with something.
Total cost: $3
On another Saturday, I picked up this metal cream pitcher for $1. It looked cute filled with the daisies that my husband gave me on our anniversary.
At that same yard sale I grabbed the piece of wood with metal label holders (for free). When I brought it home I was thrilled to see that it fit on my antique shelf perfectly.
Total cost $1
This one is kinda a funny story. I found these tiles at a yard sale and I thought the tag on them said 4/ $8 on the large ones and 4/$2 on the small ones and even though I felt that that price was a bit high, I really loved them. So I gave the guy a ten dollar bill and walked away. When I got home I looked a little bit closer and saw that the tag actually said 4/$18 on the large ones. Wow, I would not have paid that. Oops!
My plan was to stick them to the tile backsplash above our stove with command tape, but now I'm not so sure.
Total cost $10
Here is what I found on another Saturday.
I picked up the old, falling apart, oars for $1 at one yard sale, and the wool fabric, floral fitted sheet, and orange throw pillow at another yard sale for $1.50

Total cost $2.50
The oars got a pretty makeover. Mostly they just needed to be sanded down. Look at the difference sanding them made! The oar on the left is obviously the one I sanded and the oar on the right is the before.
Next, I used wood glue to fix the broken piece on the oar and gave them a quick white stripe for a fun detail. I think they turned out pretty and look great leaning against the wall in our dining room.
The piece of wool got turned into a throw rug and sits at the end of my bed.
And then the blue floral sheet now covers the mattress on the daybed in our office. Even Stormy thinks it looks great in here!
Okay and one last yard sale find were these two wood carved plaques that I got at a neighbors yard sale for just $1.
Total cost $1
As soon as I saw these, I knew exactly what I was going to do with them; paint them white, distress them and hang them in my dining room.
They were just what I needed to help fill up this wall.
Summer Yard Sales Total Cost $17.50
(and that's just because I over spent on some expensive tile :))
So what do you think? Pretty fun finds, right?
What about you, Did you find some great junk at yard sales this summer too?
You just never know what you're going to find.
Thanks for stopping by,
Wait! I'm back!
The weekend after I shared this post, I found a few more things at another yard sale, Surprise!Surprise! So I thought I'd just update this post and share what else I've found.
My favorite thing that I got, and Dare I say, possibly even my most favorite yard sale find ever!! is this amazing chime fountain.
Wait! I'm back!
The weekend after I shared this post, I found a few more things at another yard sale, Surprise!Surprise! So I thought I'd just update this post and share what else I've found.
My favorite thing that I got, and Dare I say, possibly even my most favorite yard sale find ever!! is this amazing chime fountain.
I immediately found a place for it on a little table in our office/sunroom. This room is already really peaceful and so the fountain goes really well in here.
I've never posted a video before and so I'm not sure if this will work, but I just wanted to share how soothing this fountain sounds.
I Paid $10 for this fountain, but I just did a little research on line, this fountain runs for around $150.00 so I'm pretty pleased with this yard sale find. Although, I did find one for a little less HERE at one of my favorite stores, Hayneedle.
The other fun thing I picked up were these two strands of rope lights.
I wrapped the rope around some logs in our fireplace, and just Look at how fun it looks at night time.
My boys even told me that I Actually found some cool stuff at a yard sale this time :) ha ha!
I looked these rope lights up on line, and found that you could buy them HERE if you are interested.
And then the last item that I bought was a stack of cloth napkins for 10 cents a piece. Those just got tucked away in my corner hutch. I think the orange will be fun to use for fall.
Total cost $12.50
Let's be honest, I may even be back to share more on this post. I love a good yard sale! And summers not over yet!
Thanks for stopping by Again :)
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