End Of The Month Randomness { September }

As I'm cleaning up my picture files today (which I'm trying to get into the habit of doing at the end of each month) I realized that there's quite a bit of things that I didn't get around to posting about. And truthfully, this is the case at the end of every month. So many projects remain unshared for one reason or another. And So I have decided to create a new series that I'm calling, End of the month randomness. Here I will share some behind the scenes, project fails, and some of my life moments. Let's get started! So you saw my porch right after I painted my front door, Right? But what I failed to share with you are those two black pots on the porch stoops. Before they were green and looked like this: Not bad, but they didn't go so well with the new door color and so I spray painted them in a flat black paint. But because they were already potted and I wasn't about to pull my plants out, I came up with this idea to cover the plants with grocery sack...