End Of The Month Randomness { September }

As I'm cleaning up my picture files today (which I'm trying to get into the habit of doing at the end of each month) I realized that there's quite a bit of things that I didn't get around to posting about. And truthfully, this is the case at the end of every month. So many projects remain unshared for one reason or another. And So I have decided to create a new series that I'm calling, End of the month randomness. Here I will share some behind the scenes, project fails, and some of my life moments.
Let's get started!

So you saw my porch right after I painted my front door, Right?

But what I failed to share with you are those two black pots on the porch stoops. Before they were green and looked like this:

Not bad, but they didn't go so well with the new door color and so I spray painted them in a flat black paint. But because they were already potted and I wasn't about to pull my plants out, I came up with this idea to cover the plants with grocery sacks first. It worked great!

I liked the terra cotta rim, so I left that part unpainted. Once they were dried, I placed the pots back on the stoop and was happy with how they turned out.

Speaking of the plants, I picked these up at Lowe's in the springtime and they are still alive today! :) 
The main reason I bought these plants is because they smell SO GOOD!  They have a strong earthy, almost sage like smell to them that I can not resist. Every time I walk by these plants, I have to stop and take a big whiff of them. 
Anyone else familiar with this plant?

Okay, so moving on to another project.  Remember my Outdoor Fall Tablescape?

Well I had mentioned that I spray painted coffee cans and dollar store pizza pans, copper, but here is how it really went down.

I actually bought the pizza pans from the dollar store last year, and used them as plate chargers in my 2016 fall home tour.  But after seeing and falling in love with THESE black plates, I decided to spray paint my pizza pans black to create the same look. I had used the same flat spray paint as the pots on my porch.

 I never took a picture of  how they looked black because even though I liked the look of them,  I probably needed to use a primer first, the black paint started scratching off.  So that's really when I decided to spray paint them copper.

As for the coffee cans, I had a few of them stored away and knew I had to either throw them out or come up with a use for them.  I like this coffee from Costco but for whatever reason I hoard the cans after the coffee is gone.  I once made THESE planter buckets out of coffee cans and they turned out super cute.  So anyway, since  I already had the spray paint out, I decided I could finally put those old coffee cans to use by spraying them copper as well. 

Truthfully, they turned out even better than I had imagined.  I'm usually not a fan of Krylon spray paint, but this one really worked out great!

Another project I did, was I took some corn husk, dried corn cobs, and a wire wreath form and I put together this wreath.  However, I didn't love it when I was finished. It just has an odd shape to it, and so unfortunately this project got scratched.

Today, I'm painting our lower kitchen cabinets, but first I had to pick out the new color. I kinda love/hate the process of choosing a new paint color. There are a lot of options that make it exciting, but there are also a lot of options that make it overwhelming. Here were my top 15 color picks :) After eliminating them down to 4, I got my husband's pick and just went for it. The new color is one of these and I can't wait to share it with ya soon.

My boys are playing fall soccer, so I have been pretty busy between games and practices.  Watching them play though has  probably been my favorite thing going on this month :)

Speaking of my kids, Our Stormy is now 6 months old and growing by the day.

Also growing was this really big sunflower......

But then Stormy tore it down!

My neighbor gave me some veggies from her garden along with a delicious salsa recipe. If I get her permission, I'll share the recipe with ya soon.

And lastly, I really enjoyed reading THIS book that I picked up from our library.  It has really short chapters with beautiful pictures.  Every morning I would take this book and a cup of coffee out to our deck and read. This book is super inspiring and I'm sure I'll be reading it again in the future because I took away so much from reading it. 

And that is what was happening in my little world for the month of September.

I hope you enjoyed this total random post.

Peace & Love,


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