See Our Lucky Green Kitchen Cabinets!!

I bet you already knew that my kitchen wouldn't stay all-white for long, Right? Ha!

My kitchen has gone through quite a few makeovers over the years. Just see for yourself:

The last time I shared my kitchen, which is the top picture on the left, is when I had just painted the walls white. I painted the walls white because after looking at my Pinterest Kitchen Board one day, I noticed that almost all of my pins were of  all-white kitchens, and so I figured if I was so inspired by white kitchens then I needed an all white kitchen too.

I liked my kitchen all white, at least for a while, but then I was starting to crave color again :) 
So I decided to paint just the lower cabinets, and actually, I had a few different reasons for wanting to paint my cabinets; 
1. white cabinets get super dirty, at least at my house, and I was getting tired of constantly wiping  them down. I knew that painting them a darker color would camouflage the dirt better. 
2. My decorating style seems to be evolving, and I notice it more and more as I'm on Pinterest. My Kitchen board is no longer of all white kitchens. Lately, I'm loving darker and moodier spaces. So once again, Pinterest is to blame! 
3. And let's just face it, I'm a paint-aholic!

The hardest part, as always, was choosing the new paint color.  I knew I wanted to go dark, and after a lot of consideration, these were my top 15 color picks,

My husband, Jake, is the best at choosing paint colors, but his rule is that I have to first narrow my choices down to 5.  So I believe I showed him 1 black, a couple of grays, and one wild card which was this blue-green. Maybe because the blue-green stuck out the most, that is the one Jake picked.

I'm a sucker for paint names, and so Lucky Shamrock sounded like a great choice :)
Also, I'm sure I've mentioned this a hundred times already, but Olympic paint really is my absolute favorite brand of paint. Not an Ad, just my opinion :)

So after two coats of paint with some small touch ups, my kitchen is once again, transformed!

I really really really love this color. It makes me smile whenever I walk into my kitchen.

I think that this color pairs really nicely with plants. I feel like together, you get an almost tropical look.
 (In case you are wondering, the faux lemon tree is from here.  I do have a real lemon tree though, and I'm super excited because I'm starting to see buds on it). 

There are a few things that I still want to change in my kitchen. Remember that my stove hood use to be wood? Well I'm thinking of sanding down the white paint to reveal some of the wood. I don't know how much of the white paint I'd be able to sand off, but even a distressed look could look pretty.  We'll see.

Also, I think I might want to get some new light fixtures and bar stools, but I just can't decide yet. These wicker lightshades (which I made from food covers) are so unique and perhaps the bar stools just need a different fabric on them.  

However, I do know that I want to do something to this wall in front of the bar stools, but I'm just not  quite sure as to what. Wallpaper? Wood slats? Any suggestions?

And farther down the road, I'd love new countertops and wood flooring.

Anyway, You know this is not the last of my kitchen, Ha Ha
One day I'll have it just the way I want it, and never change it again. 
Or will I?

So what do you think of this new color?

Thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,

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